Thursday, December 14, 2006

Our Old Grade School Teachers Found!

Some of our old teachers from the Ateneo made an
appearance during the Grand Alumni Homecoming
last Dec. 9, 2006.
The Jubilarian Class of Grade School 1966 tracked them
down and here they are. Try to spot:
Hilario "Larry"Marasigan - Grade 7 Headteacher
Mariano "Nani" Singson - Grade 6 Headteacher
Roberto "Bungo" Selorio - Grade 3 Math Teacher
and Multiplication Table Memorizer

Nani Singson has aged a lot (Right). He was the Moderator for the Ateneo Children's
Theater back then. Larry Marasigan(Center) looks "unreal". That guy amazingly
looks the same as he did in 1977. Mr. Selorio (Center, at the back of Marasigan),
is still alive. The guy looked like he was 60 years old already back in 1973 when
he ruthlessly forced us to memorize the multiplication table.
He must probably be 98 years old by now. He'll outlive us all.

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