Saturday, November 01, 2008

Ateneo 2-D 1979 featuring Dave Shephard

Newly rediscovered class picture of 2-D in 1979. Show this picture to your kids so that they will see that, once upon a time, Dad had lots of hair and had a nice, trim body. Hahaha!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Vintage Ray Jarina

Resurrected from a 35-year hibernation in my Mom's aparador.
Class Picture of Ateneo Grade School Grade 4 Section Maranaw
circa SY 1973-1974.
I'm surprised to realize that
Peter Tecson
Art Rodrigo
Bembo Generoso (cool necktie)
Boss Chief Ray Jarina (long hair!!)
were my classmates then.
Take a look and see who else you recognize....

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Friday, June 06, 2008

Art's daughter Carla won with this art in a poster drawing contest for the Knights of Columbus in Canada.

Check out link

Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest Winners for 2007-08

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mr. Chito Trilliana, our religion teacher in 2nd Year

Connie and I got together with Mr. Trilliana for dinner Saturday night at "Good Enough to Eat" in Manhattan's Upper West Side. I haven't seen him since 1979, so we caught up on almost 30 years gone by. He is connected with Columbia University and goes to Lincoln Center often to watch opera. He's been a New Yorker since 1988.